I can't recall exactly how I stumbled across The Trouble With Templeton but I think it may have been in a blog I read sometime in March about the top 20 local bands in Brisbane or something. Searching hasn't helped me track down that blog post so if anyone happens to know it then please leave a link in the comments. TTWT is singer/songwriter Thomas Calder. I think it was the comparison to Melbourne's Whitley that piqued my interest initially and after having a listen to his album "Bleeders" I was a fan.
Tonight Tom informs us they're very excited to be playing this, their first headline gig. "Tasty" Tom and his acoustic guitar is joined on stage by "Beautiful" Betty and "Handsome" Hugh; Betty on keys and haunting backup vox, and Hugh on electric guitar. By the time the band starts the venue is full and sitting punters fill the floor in front of the stage.
Right from the outset you can tell this is going to be a special performance. The delicate guitar tones coupled with the dynamic vocals and harmonies builds an atmosphere that matches the intimacy and comfort of the venue that is The Black Bear Lodge. Tom proceeds to sing, play and charm his way through the set and has the crowd in the palm of his hand. It appears the set is filled with plenty of songs from a yet-to-be-released album; however some tunes from the aformentioned "Bleeders" do get a look in such as the lyrically playful "I wrote a novel" and the beautifully powerful title track "Bleeders". I get the feeling I'll be looking back on this gig in years to come when Tom is popular and saying "I was there". Check him out if you get the chance.
Some of my videos here www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL935996F5DCC7798C
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