Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finally some good summer storms

After the great display of lightning storms Brisbane experienced over the past couple of summers I was looking forward to hopefully capturing some more good footage this season.

I've been away for a holiday in Tasmania for the past couple of weeks so I'm not sure if I missed much in that time but there hadn't been a heap of action previous to that. However upon my return I was welcomed home yesterday and today with a couple of typical humid-build-up summer storms.

A timelapse of storm from this arvo overlooking Brisbane's Story Bridge (12/02/2012):

A couple of lightning snaps from Saturday night (11/02/2012):

Note that the photos were taken on an old Canon A710 digital camera using free CHDK software that enables motion detection good enough to capture lightning strikes. If you have a Canon camera then chances are you too can make use of this free software to give your camera extra functionality that is possible but just not enabled by Canon. You can read more about it here or otherwise get in contact if you want to know how it did it. I was surprised with how easy and useful it is; once installed you just set your camera, walk away, come back after the storm and check what shots it took!